There’s nothing romantic about grain distilleries. Their huge industrial steel forms are a product of their function – the near continuous mass production of high proof alcohol. Whereas the largest Scottish Single Malt distillery might product 14m LPA per annum, the largest active grain distillery (Cameronbridge) can produce up to 105 LPA over the same period. Whilst at a malt distillery you’ll probably want to bring your camera, at a grain distillery you’ll not want to forget your hardhat.
Completing the second release from Watt Whisky is a well-aged grain from Girvan. Girvan is located near the town of the same name forms part of William Grant and Sons Grangeston facility – It’s Grant’s only current grain producing facility and is also home to both the Aisla Bay malt distillery and the Hendrick’s gin plant. The site also once housed the short-lived Ladyburn distillery, which operated from 1965 to 1975.
The final bottle from this year’s Virtual Whisky Show hails from Girvan grain distillery. ‘An Ever-Changing World of Artificial Intelligence’ shows what’s happened once Skynet has come online. What was originally done by hand, then assisted by machines has now become fully computerised. All hail our robot overlords. There’s no people here – just high-tech looking machinery - and androids. As posters go, it’s modern, striking and attractive. As far as predictions of the future go – it’s somewhat more depressing.